Accueil/tezos/Essayé d'annuler un transfert, le compteur est désactivé
Essayé d'annuler un transfert, le compteur est désactivé
J'ai soumis unetransaction comme ci-dessous:
./tezos-client transfer 0 from tz1... to KT1... --fee 0 --force-low-fee
The Tezos network is a new blockchain technology.
Users are solely responsible for any risks associated
with usage of the Tezos network. Users should do their
own research to determine if Tezos is the appropriate
platform for their needs and should apply judgement and
care in their network interactions.
Node is bootstrapped, ready for injecting operations.
Estimated gas: 13025 units (will add 100 for safety)
Estimated storage: no bytes added
Enter password for encrypted key:
Operation successfully injected in the node.
Operation hash is '$HASH'
Waiting for the operation to be included...
Etj'aiessayé de l'annuler avec ^ Cparce qu'ilprenaittrop detempspour êtreinjecté.
Maintenant,j'essaie letransfert suivantet il échoue:
./tezos-client transfer 0.1 from tz1... to KT1... --burn-cap 0.257
The Tezos network is a new blockchain technology.
Users are solely responsible for any risks associated
with usage of the Tezos network. Users should do their
own research to determine if Tezos is the appropriate
platform for their needs and should apply judgement and
care in their network interactions.
Node is bootstrapped, ready for injecting operations.
Estimated gas: 33542 units (will add 100 for safety)
Estimated storage: no bytes added
Enter password for encrypted key:
Unregistred error:
{ "kind": "generic",
"Error while applying operation $HASH:\nbranch refused (Error:\n
Counter 1633007 already used for contract tz1... (expected 1633009)\n)" }
Fatal error:
transfer simulation failed
Alors,ensuitej'aiessayé d'utiliser "-c 1633009" car c'est ce qui était "attendu"maisje reçois cetteerreur:
./tezos-client transfer 0.1 from tz1... to KT1... --burn-cap 0.257 -C 1633009
The Tezos network is a new blockchain technology.
Users are solely responsible for any risks associated
with usage of the Tezos network. Users should do their
own research to determine if Tezos is the appropriate
platform for their needs and should apply judgement and
care in their network interactions.
Node is bootstrapped, ready for injecting operations.
Counter 1633009 not yet reached for contract tz1... (expected 1633007)
Fatal error:
transfer simulation failed
J'apprécietoute aide. Merci!
I submitted a transaction like the following:
./tezos-client transfer 0 from tz1... to KT1... --fee 0 --force-low-fee
The Tezos network is a new blockchain technology.
Users are solely responsible for any risks associated
with usage of the Tezos network. Users should do their
own research to determine if Tezos is the appropriate
platform for their needs and should apply judgement and
care in their network interactions.
Node is bootstrapped, ready for injecting operations.
Estimated gas: 13025 units (will add 100 for safety)
Estimated storage: no bytes added
Enter password for encrypted key:
Operation successfully injected in the node.
Operation hash is '$HASH'
Waiting for the operation to be included...
And I tried to cancel it with ^C because it was taking too long to be injected.
Now I try the following transfer and it fails:
./tezos-client transfer 0.1 from tz1... to KT1... --burn-cap 0.257
The Tezos network is a new blockchain technology.
Users are solely responsible for any risks associated
with usage of the Tezos network. Users should do their
own research to determine if Tezos is the appropriate
platform for their needs and should apply judgement and
care in their network interactions.
Node is bootstrapped, ready for injecting operations.
Estimated gas: 33542 units (will add 100 for safety)
Estimated storage: no bytes added
Enter password for encrypted key:
Unregistred error:
{ "kind": "generic",
"Error while applying operation $HASH:\nbranch refused (Error:\n
Counter 1633007 already used for contract tz1... (expected 1633009)\n)" }
Fatal error:
transfer simulation failed
So next I tried using "-C 1633009" since that is what was 'expected' but I get this error:
./tezos-client transfer 0.1 from tz1... to KT1... --burn-cap 0.257 -C 1633009
The Tezos network is a new blockchain technology.
Users are solely responsible for any risks associated
with usage of the Tezos network. Users should do their
own research to determine if Tezos is the appropriate
platform for their needs and should apply judgement and
care in their network interactions.
Node is bootstrapped, ready for injecting operations.
Counter 1633009 not yet reached for contract tz1... (expected 1633007)
Fatal error:
transfer simulation failed
Je suis confronté àtrèsbien lamême situation coincée lorsquej'aiinjecté une opération avec (accidentellement) defrais de 1micro-TZ.En raison de contrer leserreurs comme ci-dessus,je nepouvaisplusinjecter destransactionspour lemême compte source avant d'avoir redémarré Tezos-noeud.
I faced very much the same stuck situation when I injected an operation with (accidentally) a fee of 1 micro-tz. Because of counter errors like above I could not inject any more transactions for the same source account until I restarted tezos-node.
J'ai soumis unetransaction comme ci-dessous:
Etj'aiessayé de l'annuler avec ^ Cparce qu'ilprenaittrop detempspour êtreinjecté.
Maintenant,j'essaie letransfert suivantet il échoue:
Alors,ensuitej'aiessayé d'utiliser "-c 1633009" car c'est ce qui était "attendu"maisje reçois cetteerreur:
J'apprécietoute aide. Merci!