Comment supprimer les pages du menu d'administration insérées par les plugins?
Peut-être stupide de demander,maispourquoipirater lemenu d'administration,alors que vouspourriez désactiver lespluginsen question?May be Stupid to ask, but why hack the admin menu, when you could deactivate the plugins in question?
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- 2014-05-23
- eyoung100
@eyoung100 Il y aplusieurs raisons.Laplus apparente serait demasquer certainesfonctionnalités à des utilisateurs (rôles) spécifiques.Onpeut également vouloir restructurer lemenu d'administration,et donc avoirbesoin de supprimer (et de rajouter ànouveau) certainesentrées demenu.@eyoung100 There are several reasons. The most apparent one would be to _hide_ certain functionality from specific user( role)s. Also one might want to restructure the admin menu, and thus need to remove (and add back again) certain menu entries.
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- 2014-10-23
- tfrommen
Si vous utilisiez une solution via le codage,unpluginest une aideen contexte,comme leplugin 'Adminimize'.Leplugin liste également les slugs qu'ilestnécessaire de supprimer via un codepersonnalisé si lesparamètres dupluginne sontpas votreexigence.If you would use a solution via coding, a plugin is a helper in context, like the plugin 'Adminimize'. The plugin list also the slugs there are necessary to remove via custom code if the settings of the plugin is not your requirement.
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- 2019-05-22
- bueltge
7 réponses
- votes
- 2014-02-26
Vous devez utiliser lesbons hooks (quine sontpastoujours lesmêmes que les URL/slugs),et celane faitpas demal d'utiliser un hook qui s'exécuteplustard (parexemple,
):add_action( 'admin_init', 'wpse_136058_remove_menu_pages' ); function wpse_136058_remove_menu_pages() { remove_menu_page( 'edit.php?post_type=acf' ); remove_menu_page( 'wpcf7' ); }
Vouspouvez utiliser ce qui suitpour déboguer:
add_action( 'admin_init', 'wpse_136058_debug_admin_menu' ); function wpse_136058_debug_admin_menu() { echo '<pre>' . print_r( $GLOBALS[ 'menu' ], TRUE) . '</pre>'; }
Cela donne (pourma configuration) ce qui suitpour lapage dumenu duplugin Contact Form 7:
[27] => Array ( [0] => Formular [1] => wpcf7_read_contact_forms [2] => wpcf7 [3] => Contact Form 7 [4] => menu-top menu-icon-generic toplevel_page_wpcf7 menu-top-last [5] => toplevel_page_wpcf7 [6] => none )
L'élément detableau avec la clé
est ce que vous recherchez:wpcf7
.You need to use the right hooks (which are not always the same as the URLs/slugs), and it doesn't hurt to use a hook that runs later (e.g.,
):add_action( 'admin_init', 'wpse_136058_remove_menu_pages' ); function wpse_136058_remove_menu_pages() { remove_menu_page( 'edit.php?post_type=acf' ); remove_menu_page( 'wpcf7' ); }
You can use the following to debug:
add_action( 'admin_init', 'wpse_136058_debug_admin_menu' ); function wpse_136058_debug_admin_menu() { echo '<pre>' . print_r( $GLOBALS[ 'menu' ], TRUE) . '</pre>'; }
This gives (for my setup) the following for the Contact Form 7 plugin menu page:
[27] => Array ( [0] => Formular [1] => wpcf7_read_contact_forms [2] => wpcf7 [3] => Contact Form 7 [4] => menu-top menu-icon-generic toplevel_page_wpcf7 menu-top-last [5] => toplevel_page_wpcf7 [6] => none )
The array element with key
is what you are looking for:wpcf7
Montrer comment vider lemenuet trouver ce qu'ilfaut utiliserpour `remove_menu_page ()` a été d'unegrande aide -m'a appris àpêcher au lieu deme donner simplement lepoisson!Showing how to dump the menu and find what to use for `remove_menu_page()` was a huge help -- taught me how to fish instead of just handing me the fish!
- 6
- 2016-06-20
- Matthew Clark
Pour acf,ilexiste unemeilleure approche,voir [la documentation] ( acf there is a better approach see [the docs](
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- 2017-02-12
- hitautodestruct
Le code de débogageest d'unegrande aide.Mercibeaucouppour lepartage!The debug code is of great help. Thanks a ton for sharing!
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- 2019-07-14
- Devner
- 2014-02-26
Vous devrezprobablement définir la priorité add_action sur unnombreplus élevéet cibler ces deuxnouveaux liens spécifiquement :
add_action( 'admin_menu', 'my_remove_menu_pages', 999 ); function my_remove_menu_pages() { remove_menu_page( 'edit.php' ); //Posts remove_menu_page( 'upload.php' ); //Media remove_menu_page( 'edit-comments.php' ); //Comments remove_menu_page( 'themes.php' ); //Appearance remove_menu_page( 'users.php' ); //Users remove_menu_page( 'tools.php' ); //Tools remove_menu_page( 'options-general.php' ); //Settings remove_menu_page( 'edit.php?post_type=acf' ); remove_menu_page( 'wpcf7' ); };
Advanced Custom Fieldsfournit également un document d'aide sur lafaçon deprocéderpour leurmenuici:
Contact Form 7 a également saproprefaçon de restreindre la visibilité dumenu:
You probably need to set the add_action priority to a higher number and target those two new links specifically like so:
add_action( 'admin_menu', 'my_remove_menu_pages', 999 ); function my_remove_menu_pages() { remove_menu_page( 'edit.php' ); //Posts remove_menu_page( 'upload.php' ); //Media remove_menu_page( 'edit-comments.php' ); //Comments remove_menu_page( 'themes.php' ); //Appearance remove_menu_page( 'users.php' ); //Users remove_menu_page( 'tools.php' ); //Tools remove_menu_page( 'options-general.php' ); //Settings remove_menu_page( 'edit.php?post_type=acf' ); remove_menu_page( 'wpcf7' ); };
Advanced Custom Fields also provides a help document on how to do this for their menu here:
Contact Form 7 also has it's own way of restricting the visibility of the menu:
cacher contactform7 afonctionnépourmoien utilisant `remove_menu_page ('wpcf7');`hiding contactform7 worked for me by using `remove_menu_page( 'wpcf7' );`
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- 2016-06-08
- Abel Melquiades Callejo
- 2014-08-25
// PLUGINS THAT ADD AS DASHBOARD SUBMENU // IF THIS IS THE URL BELOW - THE PAGE VARIABLE IS WHAT I NEED ( SO WHATEVER COMES AFTER PAGE= ) // remove_submenu_page( 'index.php', 'iconize-plugin-update-notifier' ); // OR FOR EXAMPLE WOOCOMMERCE DASHBOARD SUBMENU remove_submenu_page( 'index.php', 'wc-about' ); //WOO remove_submenu_page( 'index.php', 'wc-credits' ); //WOO remove_submenu_page( 'index.php', 'wc-translators' ); //WOO // CUSTOM POST TYPE TOP LEVELS remove_menu_page( 'edit.php?post_type={$POST_TYPE}' ); //LOOK FOR WHAT COMES AFTER POST TYPE IN THE URL remove_menu_page( 'edit.php?post_type=testimonials-widget' ); //TESTIMONIALS WIDGET remove_menu_page( 'edit.php?post_type=product' ); //WOOCOMMERCE // CUSTOM POST TYPE SUBMENU remove_submenu_page( 'edit.php?post_type={$POST_TYPE}', '{$SUBMENU_URL_VARIABLE}' ); //EXAMPLE FORMAT // SO IF BELOW IS THE URL // // YOU NEED TO SEE WHATS AFTER PAGE remove_submenu_page( 'edit.php?post_type=testimonials-widget', 'testimonialswidget_settings' ); //TESTIMONIALS WIDGET // OTHER EXAMPLES remove_menu_page( 'revslider' ); // REVSLIDER remove_menu_page( 'woocommerce' ); // WOOCOMMERCE remove_menu_page( 'order-post-types-shop_order' ); // WOOCOMMERCE remove_menu_page( 'order-post-types-shop_coupons' ); // WOOCOMMERCE remove_menu_page( 'shortcodes-ultimate' ); // SHORTCODES ULTIMATE remove_menu_page( 'wp-admin-microblog/wp-admin-microblog.php' ); // ADMIN MICROBLOG remove_menu_page( 'snippets' ); //CODE SNIPPETS remove_menu_page( 'gf_edit_forms' ); // GRAVITY FORMS remove_submenu_page( 'gf_edit_forms', 'gf_settings' ); // GRAVITY FORMS remove_submenu_page( 'gf_edit_forms', 'gf_export' ); // GRAVITY FORMS remove_submenu_page( 'gf_edit_forms', 'gf_update' ); // GRAVITY FORMS remove_submenu_page( 'gf_edit_forms', 'gf_addons' ); // GRAVITY FORMS remove_submenu_page( 'gf_edit_forms', 'gf_help' ); // GRAVITY FORMS remove_submenu_page( 'cleverness-to-do-list', 'cleverness-to-do-list-settings' ); //Cleverness TODO
if (!function_exists('debug_admin_menus')): function debug_admin_menus() { if ( !is_admin()) return; global $submenu, $menu, $pagenow; if ( current_user_can('manage_options') ) { // ONLY DO THIS FOR ADMIN if( $pagenow == 'index.php' ) { // PRINTS ON DASHBOARD echo '<pre>'; print_r( $menu ); echo '</pre>'; // TOP LEVEL MENUS echo '<pre>'; print_r( $submenu ); echo '</pre>'; // SUBMENUS } } } add_action( 'admin_notices', 'debug_admin_menus' ); endif;
Les clés vous donneront les valeurs detableau qui vouspermettront defairetout cela avec desglobales wordpress (bien quenon recommandé)
function remove_submenus_all_please() { if ( !is_admin()) return; global $submenu; unset($submenu['index.php'][10]); // Removes Updates //Posts menu // unset($submenu['edit.php'][5]); // Leads to listing of available posts to edit // unset($submenu['edit.php'][10]); // Add new post // unset($submenu['edit.php'][15]); // Remove categories // unset($submenu['edit.php'][16]); // Removes Post Tags } add_action('admin_menu', 'remove_submenus_all_please', 999);
Etpour supprimerpour certains utilisateurs,faites lamême chose sauf avec desfonctionnalités ajoutées:
function remove_by_caps_admin_menu() { if ( !is_admin()) return; if ( !current_user_can('manage_options') ) { remove_menu_page( 'revslider' ); // REVSLIDER } elseif ( !current_user_can('edit_posts') ) { remove_menu_page( 'woocommerce' ); // WOO } else { } } add_action('admin_menu', 'remove_by_caps_admin_menu', 999);
ET POUR TOUT LIER ENSEMBLE POURQUOI NE PAS RACCOURIR NOTRE CODE? VOUS POUVEZ UTILISER DES ARRAYS POUR ÉVITER L'ÉCRITURE remove_submenu_page 50fois. Celafonctionne également avec lesnœuds de labarre d'outils:
if ( !function_exists( 'remove_admin_menupages_in_array' ) ) { function remove_admin_menupages_in_array() { if ( !is_admin()) return; $admin_menus = array( 'revslider', 'woocommerce', 'shortcodes-ultimate', ); foreach ( $admin_menus as $menu_page ) { if ( !current_user_can('manage_options') ) { remove_menu_page( $menu_page ); } } // foreach } // function add_action('admin_menu', 'remove_admin_menupages_in_array', 9999); } // exists
// PLUGINS THAT ADD AS DASHBOARD SUBMENU // IF THIS IS THE URL BELOW - THE PAGE VARIABLE IS WHAT I NEED ( SO WHATEVER COMES AFTER PAGE= ) // remove_submenu_page( 'index.php', 'iconize-plugin-update-notifier' ); // OR FOR EXAMPLE WOOCOMMERCE DASHBOARD SUBMENU remove_submenu_page( 'index.php', 'wc-about' ); //WOO remove_submenu_page( 'index.php', 'wc-credits' ); //WOO remove_submenu_page( 'index.php', 'wc-translators' ); //WOO // CUSTOM POST TYPE TOP LEVELS remove_menu_page( 'edit.php?post_type={$POST_TYPE}' ); //LOOK FOR WHAT COMES AFTER POST TYPE IN THE URL remove_menu_page( 'edit.php?post_type=testimonials-widget' ); //TESTIMONIALS WIDGET remove_menu_page( 'edit.php?post_type=product' ); //WOOCOMMERCE // CUSTOM POST TYPE SUBMENU remove_submenu_page( 'edit.php?post_type={$POST_TYPE}', '{$SUBMENU_URL_VARIABLE}' ); //EXAMPLE FORMAT // SO IF BELOW IS THE URL // // YOU NEED TO SEE WHATS AFTER PAGE remove_submenu_page( 'edit.php?post_type=testimonials-widget', 'testimonialswidget_settings' ); //TESTIMONIALS WIDGET // OTHER EXAMPLES remove_menu_page( 'revslider' ); // REVSLIDER remove_menu_page( 'woocommerce' ); // WOOCOMMERCE remove_menu_page( 'order-post-types-shop_order' ); // WOOCOMMERCE remove_menu_page( 'order-post-types-shop_coupons' ); // WOOCOMMERCE remove_menu_page( 'shortcodes-ultimate' ); // SHORTCODES ULTIMATE remove_menu_page( 'wp-admin-microblog/wp-admin-microblog.php' ); // ADMIN MICROBLOG remove_menu_page( 'snippets' ); //CODE SNIPPETS remove_menu_page( 'gf_edit_forms' ); // GRAVITY FORMS remove_submenu_page( 'gf_edit_forms', 'gf_settings' ); // GRAVITY FORMS remove_submenu_page( 'gf_edit_forms', 'gf_export' ); // GRAVITY FORMS remove_submenu_page( 'gf_edit_forms', 'gf_update' ); // GRAVITY FORMS remove_submenu_page( 'gf_edit_forms', 'gf_addons' ); // GRAVITY FORMS remove_submenu_page( 'gf_edit_forms', 'gf_help' ); // GRAVITY FORMS remove_submenu_page( 'cleverness-to-do-list', 'cleverness-to-do-list-settings' ); //Cleverness TODO
if (!function_exists('debug_admin_menus')): function debug_admin_menus() { if ( !is_admin()) return; global $submenu, $menu, $pagenow; if ( current_user_can('manage_options') ) { // ONLY DO THIS FOR ADMIN if( $pagenow == 'index.php' ) { // PRINTS ON DASHBOARD echo '<pre>'; print_r( $menu ); echo '</pre>'; // TOP LEVEL MENUS echo '<pre>'; print_r( $submenu ); echo '</pre>'; // SUBMENUS } } } add_action( 'admin_notices', 'debug_admin_menus' ); endif;
The keys will give you the array values that allow you do all of this with wordpress globals (although not recommended)
function remove_submenus_all_please() { if ( !is_admin()) return; global $submenu; unset($submenu['index.php'][10]); // Removes Updates //Posts menu // unset($submenu['edit.php'][5]); // Leads to listing of available posts to edit // unset($submenu['edit.php'][10]); // Add new post // unset($submenu['edit.php'][15]); // Remove categories // unset($submenu['edit.php'][16]); // Removes Post Tags } add_action('admin_menu', 'remove_submenus_all_please', 999);
And to remove for certain users just do the same thing except with capabilities added:
function remove_by_caps_admin_menu() { if ( !is_admin()) return; if ( !current_user_can('manage_options') ) { remove_menu_page( 'revslider' ); // REVSLIDER } elseif ( !current_user_can('edit_posts') ) { remove_menu_page( 'woocommerce' ); // WOO } else { } } add_action('admin_menu', 'remove_by_caps_admin_menu', 999);
AND TO TIE IT ALL TOGETHER WHY NOT SHORTEN OUR CODE? YOU CAN USE ARRAYS TO AVOID WRITING remove_submenu_page 50 times. This also works with the toolbar nodes:
if ( !function_exists( 'remove_admin_menupages_in_array' ) ) { function remove_admin_menupages_in_array() { if ( !is_admin()) return; $admin_menus = array( 'revslider', 'woocommerce', 'shortcodes-ultimate', ); foreach ( $admin_menus as $menu_page ) { if ( !current_user_can('manage_options') ) { remove_menu_page( $menu_page ); } } // foreach } // function add_action('admin_menu', 'remove_admin_menupages_in_array', 9999); } // exists
- 2014-09-07
<❯Mise àjour
J'ai créé unextrait de code avec unefonctionplus robuste quitraite à lafois desmenusprincipauxet des sous-éléments demenu.
Réponse originale
Au lieu de spécifier lesmenus que vous souhaitez supprimer,spécifiez lesmenus que vous souhaitez conserver :)
add_action('admin_init', 'nwcm_admin_init'); function nwcm_admin_init() { // Remove unnecessary menus $menus_to_stay = array( // Client manager 'nwcm', // Dashboard 'index.php', // Users 'users.php' ); foreach ($GLOBALS['menu'] as $key => $value) { if (!in_array($value[2], $menus_to_stay)) remove_menu_page($value[2]); } }
De cettefaçon,vousn'avezpas à rechercher lesnoms depluginset àmodifier le code lorsque vous ajoutez denouveauxplugins.
I created a code snippet with a more robust function that deals with both main menus and sub-menu items.
Original answer
Instead of specifying the menus you want to remove, specify the menues you want to keep :)
add_action('admin_init', 'nwcm_admin_init'); function nwcm_admin_init() { // Remove unnecessary menus $menus_to_stay = array( // Client manager 'nwcm', // Dashboard 'index.php', // Users 'users.php' ); foreach ($GLOBALS['menu'] as $key => $value) { if (!in_array($value[2], $menus_to_stay)) remove_menu_page($value[2]); } }
This way you don't have to search for plugin names and modify the code when you add new plugins..
Exactement ce queje cherchais!Deplus,votreextrait de code sembleexcellent!Mercibeaucoup d'avoir ajouté votre solution.Appréciez-le!Exactly what I was looking for! Also your Code snippet seems like a great one! Thanks a ton for adding your solution. Appreciate it!
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- 2019-07-14
- Devner
- 2015-01-22
Vous deveztrouver lebon $menu_slug.Le code suivant afonctionnépourmoi:
add_action( 'admin_init', 'remove_menus' ); function remove_menus(){ remove_menu_page( 'wpcf7' ); }
You need to find the right $menu_slug. The following code worked for me:
add_action( 'admin_init', 'remove_menus' ); function remove_menus(){ remove_menu_page( 'wpcf7' ); }
- 2014-12-03
Bien sûr,vousne pouvez spécifier que les éléments que vous souhaitez supprimer.Jetez un œil au code ci-dessous:
/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/your_plugin/your_plugin.php : add_action('admin_init', 'nwcm_admin_init'); function nwcm_admin_init() { // Remove unnecessary menus $menus_to_remove = array( // menu items you want to remove 'menu_item_1', 'menu_item_2', . . 'menu_item_n' ); // To avoid warning message, check whether 'menu' is set AND is an array if(isset($GLOBALS['menu']) && is_array($GLOBALS['menu'])) { foreach ($GLOBALS['menu'] as $key => $value) { //Remove the '!' in the 'if' condition. if (in_array($value[2], $menus_to_remove)) remove_menu_page($value[2]); } } }
Cecin'est que lenégatif de laméthode denumediaweb.Merci @numediaweb.Celafonctionnetrèsbien.
P.S .: 'menu_item_1/n' ->pointez la souris sur l'élément demenuet récupérez lapageexacte de cet élément demenu affiché dans le lien.
Of course you can specify only the items you want to remove. Have a look in the code below:
/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/your_plugin/your_plugin.php : add_action('admin_init', 'nwcm_admin_init'); function nwcm_admin_init() { // Remove unnecessary menus $menus_to_remove = array( // menu items you want to remove 'menu_item_1', 'menu_item_2', . . 'menu_item_n' ); // To avoid warning message, check whether 'menu' is set AND is an array if(isset($GLOBALS['menu']) && is_array($GLOBALS['menu'])) { foreach ($GLOBALS['menu'] as $key => $value) { //Remove the '!' in the 'if' condition. if (in_array($value[2], $menus_to_remove)) remove_menu_page($value[2]); } } }
This is just the negative of numediaweb's method. Thanks @numediaweb. It works fine.
P.S.: 'menu_item_1/n' -> point mouse over the menu item and fetch the exact page of that menu item shown in the link.
- 2018-02-14
utilisez cetextrait de code
function your_custom_name() { remove_menu_page('vc-general'); //the slug as seen wp-admin.php?page=vc-general } add_action( 'admin_init', 'your_custom_name' );
use this code snippet
function your_custom_name() { remove_menu_page('vc-general'); //the slug as seen wp-admin.php?page=vc-general } add_action( 'admin_init', 'your_custom_name' );
Veuillez ** [modifier] votre réponse **,et ajouter uneexplication: **pourquoi ** celapourrait-il résoudre leproblème?Please **[edit] your answer**, and add an explanation: **why** could that solve the problem?
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- 2018-02-14
- fuxia
J'ai le code suivant,quinettoiebeaucoup de choses quine serontpas utilisées dans la zone d'administration:
Cependant,deux éléments demenu ont étéinsérés àpartir deplugins.
Lorsqueje passe la souris sur chaque élément dumenu,les liens sont:
Existe-t-il également unmoyen demasquer cespages demenu?