Wp récupère toutes les sous-pages du parent en utilisant la requête wp
Ci-dessous vous dites que vous aveztrouvé une réponse,qu'est-ce que c'est?Below you say you found an answer, what is it?
- 1
- 2012-08-17
- Drew Baker
Avez-vous vérifié [get_page_children] (http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/get_page_children)?Have you checked out [get_page_children](http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/get_page_children) ?
- 4
- 2013-04-13
- t31os
6 réponses
- votes
- 2011-11-30
Pourquoine pas simplement utiliser
<?php // Determine parent page ID $parent_page_id = ( '0' != $post->post_parent ? $post->post_parent : $post->ID ); // Get child pages as array $page_tree_array = get_pages( array( 'child_of' => $parent_page_id; ) ); ?>
Mais s'il doit vraiment être un objet
,utilisez uneméthode similaire:<?php // Determine parent page ID $parent_page_id = ( '0' != $post->post_parent ? $post->post_parent : $post->ID ); // Build WP_Query() argument array $page_tree_query_args = array( 'post_parent' => $parent_page_id; ); // Get child pages as a WP_Query() object $page_tree_query = new WP_Query( $page_tree_query_args ); ?>
Why not just use
<?php // Determine parent page ID $parent_page_id = ( '0' != $post->post_parent ? $post->post_parent : $post->ID ); // Get child pages as array $page_tree_array = get_pages( array( 'child_of' => $parent_page_id; ) ); ?>
But if it really must be as a
object, use a similar method:<?php // Determine parent page ID $parent_page_id = ( '0' != $post->post_parent ? $post->post_parent : $post->ID ); // Build WP_Query() argument array $page_tree_query_args = array( 'post_parent' => $parent_page_id; ); // Get child pages as a WP_Query() object $page_tree_query = new WP_Query( $page_tree_query_args ); ?>
Sinous utilisons lafonctionnalitéget_pages (),nousne pourrionspasimplémenter letri (sort_column)pour les champspersonnalisés.Iln'accepte que les champs de latable depublication uniquement.Je doisimplémenter letripour le champpersonnalisé.Donc,je n'utilise que la requête wp ().Y a-t-il un autremoyen?If we use get_pages() functionality we couldn't implement the sorting (sort_column ) for custom fields. It only accept the post table fields only. I need to implement the sorting for custom field. So only i use the wp query(). Is any alternate way?
- 0
- 2011-12-01
- phpuser
Avez-vous vu la secondemoitié dema réponse,dans laquellej'utilise `WP_Query ()`?Did you see the second half of my answer, in which I use `WP_Query()`?
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- 2011-12-01
- Chip Bennett
J'aiessayé ce codemaisilne renvoie que les sous-pages depremierniveau.J'aibesoin de sous-page >> sous-sous >>etc ... (plusieursniveauxinférieurs depages.).Enfinj'aitrouvé la solution.Mercipour votre réponseI tried this code but it returns the first level sub pages only. I need sub page >> sub's sub >> etc... (multiple lower levels of pages.). Finally i found the solution. Thanks for your reply
- 0
- 2011-12-03
- phpuser
quelleest votre solution !?what is your solution!?
- 7
- 2013-03-11
Despoints-virgules dans les définitions detableau ci-dessusprovoquent deserreurs de syntaxe.There are some semicolons inside of the array definitions above causing syntax errors.
- 0
- 2014-01-22
- ptrin
- 2013-04-19
Ce que vous rencontrez desproblèmes,c'est "Commentfaire X?" Cen'estpas une actionen une étape,c'est unprocessusen plusieurs étapeset il doit être séparé.
Vousn'avezpasbesoin defaire ceci:
get all the posts that are a child of X ordered by meta
Vous devezfaire ceci:
get all the posts that are a child of X for each child, get all the posts that are a child foreach child of that child get all the posts that are a child ... hmmm we don't have any more children left Take our list of posts and order them by meta
La solutiongénérale
Donc,pour comprendre comment lefaire à l'infinijusqu'à lafin,sans le coderen dur,vous devez comprendre lesfonctions récursives.
function make_zero( $amount ) { $amount = $amount - 1; if ( $amount > 1 ){ return make_zero( $amount ); } return $amount; }
Application de la récursion à ceproblèmepour une solution
,et votremessagemeta a une clé de$metakey
.Permet de letransmettre à unefonctionpour saisir sesenfants.
$children = get_children_with_meta( $parid, $metakey );
Ensuite,noustrierons letableau $ children,les clés seront les ID depublicationet les valeurs seront lesméta-valeurs.
et définissons lafonction comme:
function get_children_with_meta( $parent_id, $metakey ) { $q = new WP_Query( array( 'post_parent' => $parent_id, 'meta_key' => $metakey )); if ( $q->have_posts() ) { $children - array(); while ( $q->have_posts() ) { $q->the_post(); $meta_value = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), $metakey, true ); $children[get_the_ID() ] = $meta_value; } return $children; } else { // there are no children!! return array(); } }
Cela vous donne untableau d'identifiantset de valeurs depublication,classés duplusbas auplus élevé. Vouspouvez utiliser d'autresfonctions detri PHPpour lefaire duplus haut auplusbas.
Etmaintenant,qu'enest-il desenfants?
Aumilieu denotreboucle,nous devonsfaire un appel récursif,en passant l'enfantplutôt que l'IDparent.
Alors ceci:
$q->the_post(); $meta_value = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), $metakey, true ); $children[get_the_ID() ] = $meta_value;
Devient ceci:
$q->the_post(); $meta_value = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), $metakey, true ); $children[get_the_ID() ] = $meta_value; // now get the childrens children $grandchildren = get_children_with_meta( get_the_ID(), $metakey ); // merge the grandchildren and the children into the same list $children = array_merge( $children, $grandchildren );
Avec cettemodification,lafonction récupèremaintenant lesenfants,lesenfants desenfants,lesenfants desenfants desenfants .....etc
À lafin,vouspouvez couper les valeurs dutableaupour obtenir desidentifiants comme celui-ci:
$post_ids = array_keys( $children ); $q = new WP_Query( array( 'post__in' => $post_ids ); // etc
En utilisant cette stratégie,vouspouvez remplacer la valeur de la clémétaparn'importe quelle autremétrique,ou utiliser desfonctions récursives d'une autremanière.
Étant donné que le code completne nécessite que quelques secondes de compréhension debaseet un copier-coller rapide,je n'insulteraipas votreintelligence avec unbloc de code copier-coller complet.
- Avecmodificationfonctionnepourtouttype depublicationet forme de données
- Peut êtremodifiépourgénérer unbalisageimbriqué
- Cachezfacilementpour accéléreren plaçant lestableaux renvoyés dans destransitoires
- Peut être configuré avec lapaginationen appliquant lapagination à lafin WP_Query
Problèmes que vous rencontrerez
- Vousn'avez aucunmoyen de savoir combien d'enfantsil y atant que vousne les avezpastrouvés,donc les coûts deperformancene sontpasmis à l'échelle
- Ce que vous voulezgénérera denombreuses requêteset estparnature coûteuxen raison desprofondeurspotentiellesimpliquées.
Ma recommandation
Je vous recommande d'aplatir la hiérarchie de vospages ou d'utiliser unetaxonomie à laplace. Parexemple. si vous évaluez des articles,ayez unetaxonomie d'évaluation depage avec lestermes 1,2,3,4et 5,etc. Cela vousfournira une liste demessagesprête à l'emploi.
Vouspouvez également utiliser lesmenus denavigationet contourner complètement ceproblème
The Problem
What you're having problems grasping is "How do I do X?" This isn't a 1 step action, it's a multistep process, and it needs to be broken apart.
You don't need to do this:
get all the posts that are a child of X ordered by meta
You need to do this:
get all the posts that are a child of X for each child, get all the posts that are a child foreach child of that child get all the posts that are a child ... hmmm we don't have any more children left Take our list of posts and order them by meta
The General Solution
So, to understand how to infinitely do it until you reach the end, without hardcoding it, you need to understand recursive functions.
function make_zero( $amount ) { $amount = $amount - 1; if ( $amount > 1 ){ return make_zero( $amount ); } return $amount; }
Applying Recursion To This Problem For a Solution
So your parent is
, and your post meta has a key of$metakey
.Lets pass it into a function to grab its children.
$children = get_children_with_meta( $parid, $metakey );
Then we'll sort the $children array, the keys will be the post IDs, and the values will be the meta values.
and lets define the function as:
function get_children_with_meta( $parent_id, $metakey ) { $q = new WP_Query( array( 'post_parent' => $parent_id, 'meta_key' => $metakey )); if ( $q->have_posts() ) { $children - array(); while ( $q->have_posts() ) { $q->the_post(); $meta_value = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), $metakey, true ); $children[get_the_ID() ] = $meta_value; } return $children; } else { // there are no children!! return array(); } }
This gives you an array of post IDs and values, ordered from lowest to highest. You can use other PHP sorting functions to do it from highest to lowest.
Now What About the Childrens Children?
In the middle of our loop, we need to make a recursive call, passing in the child rather than the parent ID.
So this:
$q->the_post(); $meta_value = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), $metakey, true ); $children[get_the_ID() ] = $meta_value;
Becomes this:
$q->the_post(); $meta_value = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), $metakey, true ); $children[get_the_ID() ] = $meta_value; // now get the childrens children $grandchildren = get_children_with_meta( get_the_ID(), $metakey ); // merge the grandchildren and the children into the same list $children = array_merge( $children, $grandchildren );
With this modification the function now retrieves the children, the childrens children, the childrens childrens children..... etc
At the end you can trim off the values on the array to get IDs like this:
$post_ids = array_keys( $children ); $q = new WP_Query( array( 'post__in' => $post_ids ); // etc
Using this strategy you can replace the meta key value with any other metric, or use recursive functions in other ways.
Since the full code requires only a few seconds of basic comprehension and a quick copy paste, I shan't insult your intelligence with a full copy paste block of code.
- With modification works for any post type and form of data
- Can be modified to generate nested markup
- Easily cache to speed up by putting the returned arrays in transients
- Can be setup with paging by applying paging to the end WP_Query
Problems You Will Encounter
- You have no way of knowing how many children there are until you've found them, so performance costs don't scale
- What you want will generate a lot of queries, and is inherently costly because of the potential depths involved.
My Recommendation
I would recommend you either flatten your page hierarchy or use a taxonomy instead. E.g. if you're rating posts, have a Page Rating taxonomy with the terms 1,2,3,4 and 5 etc. This will provide you with a post listing out of the box.
Alternatively, use nav menus and bypass this problem entirely
- 2013-04-14
Obtenir récursivementtoutes les sous-pages actuelles
Voici une approche récursive utilisant
. Mettez ce qui suit dans votrefunctions.php
:function get_all_subpages($page, $args = '', $output = OBJECT) { // Validate 'page' parameter if (! is_numeric($page)) $page = 0; // Set up args $default_args = array( 'post_type' => 'page', ); if (empty($args)) $args = array(); elseif (! is_array($args)) if (is_string($args)) parse_str($args, $args); else $args = array(); $args = array_merge($default_args, $args); $args['post_parent'] = $page; // Validate 'output' parameter $valid_output = array(OBJECT, ARRAY_A, ARRAY_N); if (! in_array($output, $valid_output)) $output = OBJECT; // Get children $subpages = array(); $children = get_children($args, $output); foreach ($children as $child) { $subpages[] = $child; if (OBJECT === $output) $page = $child->ID; elseif (ARRAY_A === $output) $page = $child['ID']; else $page = $child[0]; // Get subpages by recursion $subpages = array_merge($subpages, get_all_subpages($page, $args, $output)); } return $subpages; }
Comment l'utiliser
Utilisez lafonction ci-dessus où vous le souhaitez,parexemple comme ceci:
$all_current_subpages = get_all_subpages(0);
Lafonctionprenden charge unparamètre
(chaîne de requête outableau)et untypeoutput
(voir ci-dessus).Vouspouvez donc également l'utiliser comme ceci:
$args = array( 'post_status' => 'private', 'order_by' => 'post_date', 'order' => 'DESC', ); $all_current_subpages = get_all_subpages(42, $args, ARRAY_A);
Eten raison de la dépendance
,vouspouvez utiliser desméta-valeurs,commeinitialement demandépar l'auteur de ce question.Recursively get all current sub-pages
Here is a recursive approach using
. Put the following in yourfunctions.php
:function get_all_subpages($page, $args = '', $output = OBJECT) { // Validate 'page' parameter if (! is_numeric($page)) $page = 0; // Set up args $default_args = array( 'post_type' => 'page', ); if (empty($args)) $args = array(); elseif (! is_array($args)) if (is_string($args)) parse_str($args, $args); else $args = array(); $args = array_merge($default_args, $args); $args['post_parent'] = $page; // Validate 'output' parameter $valid_output = array(OBJECT, ARRAY_A, ARRAY_N); if (! in_array($output, $valid_output)) $output = OBJECT; // Get children $subpages = array(); $children = get_children($args, $output); foreach ($children as $child) { $subpages[] = $child; if (OBJECT === $output) $page = $child->ID; elseif (ARRAY_A === $output) $page = $child['ID']; else $page = $child[0]; // Get subpages by recursion $subpages = array_merge($subpages, get_all_subpages($page, $args, $output)); } return $subpages; }
How to use it
Use the above function wherever you want, for instance like this:
$all_current_subpages = get_all_subpages(0);
The function does support an
parameter (query string or array) and anoutput
type (see above).So you could also use it like so:
$args = array( 'post_status' => 'private', 'order_by' => 'post_date', 'order' => 'DESC', ); $all_current_subpages = get_all_subpages(42, $args, ARRAY_A);
And due to the dependency
you can use meta values, as initially requested by the author of this question. -
- 2011-11-30
Jene saispas si c'estexactement ce que vous recherchez,mais vouspouvez utiliser lafonction wp_list_pageset utiliser lesparamètres "child_of"et "depth".
Voir lapage suivante sur le Codexpourplus d'informations: http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/wp_list_pages
Not sure if this is exactly what you are after, but you could use the wp_list_pages function, and use the 'child_of' and 'depth' parameters.
See the following page on the Codex for more info: http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/wp_list_pages
- 2013-04-18
J'ai créé unefonction récursive qui récupèretous lesidentifiantsenfants d'unepageparent. Unefois quenous avons lesidentifiants,nouseffectuons une requêtepour lespageset pouvons classer les résultatsparméta clé/valeur.
// Gets all the children ids of post_parent function _get_children_ids( $post_parent ) { $results = new WP_Query( array( 'post_type' => 'page', 'post_parent' => $post_parent ) ); $child_ids = array(); if ( $results->found_posts > 0 ) foreach ( $results->posts as $post ) // add each child id to array $child_ids[] = $post->ID; if ( ! empty( $child_ids ) ) foreach ( $child_ids as $child_id ) // add further children to array $child_ids = array_merge( $child_ids, _get_children_ids( $child_id ) ); return $child_ids; } $children_ids = _get_children_ids( 9 ); // use your numeric page id or get_the_id() $results = new WP_Query( array( 'post_type' => 'page', 'post__in' => $children_ids #'meta_key' => 'meta_key', // your meta key #'orderby' => 'meta_key', /* 'meta_query' => array( // optional meta_query array( 'key' => 'meta_key', // key 'value' => array(3, 4), // values 'compare' => 'IN', // operator ) ) */ ) ); var_dump( $results );
Si vous avezbesoin detrier lesenfantsparméta clé/valeur demanière hiérarchique,vous deveztransmettre les valeursmeta_keyet order_by à WP_Query dans lafonction _get_children_ids (au lieu de la WP_Queryfinale).
Sinon,uneméthodeplus simplepour obtenirtous lesidentifiantsenfantest:
$children = get_pages( 'child_of=9'); $children_ids = array(); if ( ! empty( $children ) ) foreach ( $children as $post ) $children_ids[] = $post->ID;
I've made a recursive function that gets all the children ids of a parent page. After we have the ids, we make query for the pages and can order the results by meta key/value.
// Gets all the children ids of post_parent function _get_children_ids( $post_parent ) { $results = new WP_Query( array( 'post_type' => 'page', 'post_parent' => $post_parent ) ); $child_ids = array(); if ( $results->found_posts > 0 ) foreach ( $results->posts as $post ) // add each child id to array $child_ids[] = $post->ID; if ( ! empty( $child_ids ) ) foreach ( $child_ids as $child_id ) // add further children to array $child_ids = array_merge( $child_ids, _get_children_ids( $child_id ) ); return $child_ids; } $children_ids = _get_children_ids( 9 ); // use your numeric page id or get_the_id() $results = new WP_Query( array( 'post_type' => 'page', 'post__in' => $children_ids #'meta_key' => 'meta_key', // your meta key #'orderby' => 'meta_key', /* 'meta_query' => array( // optional meta_query array( 'key' => 'meta_key', // key 'value' => array(3, 4), // values 'compare' => 'IN', // operator ) ) */ ) ); var_dump( $results );
If you need to sort the children by meta key/value in a hierarchical manner, you should pass the meta_key and order_by values to the WP_Query in the _get_children_ids function (instead of the final WP_Query).
If not, a simpler method to get all the child id is:
$children = get_pages( 'child_of=9'); $children_ids = array(); if ( ! empty( $children ) ) foreach ( $children as $post ) $children_ids[] = $post->ID;
- 2013-09-26
//REDIRECT TO FIRST CHILD FROM PARENT PAGE // Build WP_Query() argument array $page_tree_query_args = array( 'post_parent' => $post -> ID, 'post_type' => 'page', 'order' => 'asc' ); // Get child pages as a WP_Query() object $page_tree_query = new WP_Query( $page_tree_query_args ); if(!empty($page_tree_query -> posts)){ $first_subpage = $page_tree_query -> posts[0] -> ID; wp_redirect( get_permalink( $first_subpage ) ); exit; }
//REDIRECT TO FIRST CHILD FROM PARENT PAGE // Build WP_Query() argument array $page_tree_query_args = array( 'post_parent' => $post -> ID, 'post_type' => 'page', 'order' => 'asc' ); // Get child pages as a WP_Query() object $page_tree_query = new WP_Query( $page_tree_query_args ); if(!empty($page_tree_query -> posts)){ $first_subpage = $page_tree_query -> posts[0] -> ID; wp_redirect( get_permalink( $first_subpage ) ); exit; }
Ceciest A)ne fonctionnepas (`$post -> ID`?),B)pas ce qui a été demandé,C)pastrèsbien expliqué.This is A) not working (`$post -> ID`?), B) not what was asked for, C) not explained very well.
- 0
- 2013-09-26
- tfrommen
Voicimon code
Il affiche uniquement les sous-pages depremierniveau.J'aibesoin detoute la sous-page,de la sous-page du sous ...et detout.J'ai cherché une solutionet jepeux obtenirtoutes les sous-pagesen utilisantget_pageset wp_list_pages.
Maisj'ai vraimentbesoin detrier l'ordrepar valeurméta depublicationpersonnalisée.Je dois donc utiliser une requêtepersonnalisée.
veuillez aider.Merci